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HIT-AIR Return Policy and Warranty:
Please inspect your shipment immediately upon arrival. Verify that your order was received in undamaged condition. Check the container thoroughly to avoid throwing away parts that may be wrapped in packing materials. In some cases, no packing slip may be sent in the package as your order may arrive in several different packages. Riding Safe, LLC must be notified within 48 hours of delivery of any damage or of any missing parts! In order to keep prices low, we ask that the product be returned within 10 days in the ORIGINAL PACKAGING; both the product and the packaging must be in a new and unused condition with all parts and instructions. We pay shipping cost one-time on original shipment to you. PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE TAGS FROM VEST, USE OR DEPLOY THE VEST UNTIL YOU HAVE CONFIRMED THE VEST IS YOUR CORRECT SIZE AND UNDAMAGED BECAUSE OF PRODUCT LIABILITY. We do not sell used or refurbished safety apparel. IF THE PRODUCT HAS BEEN USED OR IS NOT RETURNED in the original condition in which it was delivered, we cannot accept it as a return unless it is defective. These restrictions are necessary for the protection of our all of our customers. We will not re-sell any Hit-Air apparel that may have been compromised or that appears to be used. Product Liability Requires That These Reasonable Terms Be Strictly Enforced. Thank you for your understanding. ****(10-day return policy may be waived if we are contacted in advance or during Christmas Holiday Period.) All of our products come with a 1 year warranty which covers defects in workmanship and materials. It does not cover damage caused by accidents, improper care, normal wear and tear, or improper use.)